Madame Astra's Fortune Telling

Welcome to Astra's Fortune Telling page. I have combined the art of fortune-telling with the Chinese Horoscope for the Diva Festival. You can check your daily fortunes for October 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18th, 1998. I have consulted with some of the world's most-loved, past stage and screen divas to devise these fortunes. Most of these divas have left the material world behind but they live extravagantly in our spiritual world with powers to foresee events in the future. Therefore, my contact with them is directly beneficial for you since the fortunes come from the spirits in the sky, from a world beyond ours. Each zodiac sign is represented by an animal, the year in which you were born is named after that animal, you will need to determine which zodiac sign you belong to in order to get your fortune.

October 14th, 1998

Dedicated to Joan Crawford

A time to strike out and be adventurous. The more daring will succeed; calculated risks will pay off handsomely. Decisive action bring rewards.

A good time to initiate plans which are meant to come into fruition next year: an ideal time, therefore, to get engaged or begin saving.

An excellent year: finances are sound, health good, romantic and social life spectacular. You may meet someone famous.

This may be a hazardous year. Take particular care regarding your finances, property and health, and watch your personal relationships.

A very profitable period, and one which will leave you with many happy memories. A good time to make momentous changes.

Despite upheaval all around, the changes today will only affect the Sheep minimally, or not at all.

It is important to be careful in all matters, whether financial or social, and avoid taking any kind of risk.

Avoid being over-ambitious during this very unstable period. The greatest dangers come from over-confidence.

An excellent day for all matters to do with the home, property, career and social life. Projects involving partnerships will be satisfactory.

The constant changes and upsets of the day are likely to have a discouraging effect though this will not last.

This promises to be an exciting day, with substantial changes in your life. It is worth putting up with the upheaval to gain benefit later.

Today is a good day for you; use it to your advantage. An excellent time for reaping in the rewards of all your labors.

October 15th, 1998

Dedicated to Billie Holiday

Beware of delays and obstacles. You may be frustrated in your plans, especially for travel. There are greater benefits at home.

An ideal time for putting oneself forward and succeeding either in business or romance. A good day ahead.

Finances take a setback today. Be careful with any risky undertakings. Personal relationships may take a knock.

You will find quiet satisfaction and personal achievement today.

Upsets in marriage and family are likely. Travel may bring wealth.

Today, those planning marriage or those romantically involved can expect a stimulating time.

This is not one of your better days. Ensure all dealings are absolutely above board.

A dangerous day, both financially and romantically - but forewarned is forearmed. Avoid any reckless speculation.

Family matters are highlighted and there may be the chance of a move to a new home.

Happiness is achieved through the family more than wealth and material assets, but your domestic bliss is enviable.

Material rewards are strong, especially for handicrafts. Watch your relationships.

You should be highly satisfied with the way things turn out today as matters proceed smoothly.

October 16th, 1998

Dedicated to Anna May Wong

An excellent day financially and romantically. There is public recognition for your achievements, too.

Matters do not turn out as well as you had anticipated today. Take care over health and watch out for some unexpected changes.

A wonderful day, full of achievement and successes. But try to curb your enthusiasm, and make sure you keep something in reserve.

A very good day ahead, when many personal ambitions may be realized. Study trends carefully, and prepare for future successes.

A very stimulating day, bringing great opportunities; ideal for business and social ambitions and for the romantically inclined.

Not a good day for you. You must avoid getting irritated over trifles. The minor mishaps are only temporary, so be patient.

All kinds of crafty schemes can come to fruition, but make sure that they are completed before the end of the day, or they may lead to disaster.

Some opportunities for social climbing, and public recognition. Finances may be less sure and romance brings disappointments.

Take great care over matters concerning the home. Not an ideal time to move house; it is much better to save rather than spend.

There may be some problems with the family; make sure that differences of opinion are sorted out. Do not lavish money on relatives.

Great excitement is in store for you today. Travel to far-off places is promised, and finances are more secure. Good news for the romantically inclined.

Matters may move too fast for you today. Despite slow progress, trust to your instinct and play safe; this is a risky time.

October 17th, 1998

Dedicated to Kinuyo Tanaka

Not one of your best days. Difficult patches lie ahead, and personal relationships tend to be shaky. Choose your friends carefully.

Some sadness is likely to enter your life today. You may need a close friend to support you through an emotional upset. Better times coming.

If things go a little wrong today, you are not one to care, and the way things are going, why should you? As you know, there are good times ahead.

Excellent prospects. Whether in career or romance, all trends are going in your direction, so you should make most of every opportunity.

There are times today when you will take a cynical view of events. Instinctively, you take the wisest course and stay in the background.

A very satisfactory day, with unexpected advancement and challenges which you will take up successfully - much to your own astonishment.

A full day of activity, with opportunities to push ahead. Make long term plans, as the next few weeks will be highly formative.

Today you will gain the rewards of your past efforts. Recognition for your work will bring satisfaction. Romantic prospects are fine.

A moderately successful day, with its share of good and bad. Partnership and travel is favorable. Look for a supportive companion.

Some success in store, with your personal standing enhanced. There will be chances for you to improve your position; it is up to you to take them.

There are bound to be some setbacks today. Be prepared for confrontations with those in authority, particularly at work. Watch finances.

Health may prove a problem, but otherwise this should be a good day. At work, you have a chance of promotion. Romance beckons.

October 18th, 1998

Dedicated to Ella Fitzgerald

Defensive, with set opinions. Protective of the family or social groups.

The day's progresses steadily, with a few setbacks and little change. Business and financial prospects are only fair. Romance brings surprises.

Avoid speculation, or make rash decisions. It will be hard to resist temptation; think of the consequences beforehand.

Be prepared for some disappointments, keep a tight rein on finances, and avoid being drawn into lawsuits. Concentrate on house and family.

A wonderful day. Use the time to its best advantage. In sport, business or romance, be ready to push yourself forward. There are many rewards.

A reasonable day, but better for men than women. Pay attention to matters at home, and attend to details in business dealings.

The day promises considerable career success; you can realize some of your ambitions. You may not reach the top, but you will be on your way.

A mixed day, with moments of elation and big disappointments. Be prepared for whatever arrives, and take the good with the bad.

This is your day, so plan ahead in order to make the best of each situation as it arises. You can succeed in whatever you set your mind to.

A successful day, and the start of a happy period which will bring ample opportunities. Any large-scale plans should be put into operation now.

Do-it-yourselfers and artists will benefit from a constructive influence. Tread carefully with financial ventures. Avoid legal wrangles.

There are many obstacles to overcome today, but you will forge your way forward. Avoid land deals. Romance is a more favorable prospect.